Spectrum Management Authority

Caribbean ICT Roadshow

The phenomenal impact of ICT on every facet of human endeavour is propelling the thrust by Caribbean governments to accelerate the use of ICT to advance the economic and social development of their nations and the region.

The Caribbean ICT Roadshow was officially launched on 28th July, 2009 in Grenada, by The Hon. Tillman Thomas, Prime Minister of Grenada and CARICOM Head of Government responsible for Science and Technology. In his address at the launch, the Prime Minister noted the challenges faced by the region and the opportunities presented by ICT to mitigate their effects and to foster national and Caribbean advance.

The 2010 Caribbean ICT Roadshow initiative seeks to educate, raise public awareness of and build human capacity in ICT and to demonstrate the value of innovation in the effective application of ICT in every sphere of endeavour. The Roadshow will visit 20 Caribbean countries, collecting ICT market information and establishing on-going activities which will yield benefits to individuals, national communities, governments and the wider Caribbean.

The 2010 Roadshow programme will commence in March and continue until November, when it will culminate with a special Roadshow ICT Symposium in Trinidad and Tobago. The results of each Roadshow will be collated in a comprehensive report highlighting recommendations for fostering ICT innovation and development and a blueprint for advancing Caribbean societies and economies through the effective use of ICT.

The Spectrum Management Authority and the Central Information Technology Office will be hosting the Jamaica leg of the 2010 Caribbean ICT Roadshow initiative.

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