Application Category:
License Application Category: Other
Validity Period:
No time limit
Processing Fee:
Spectrum Fee:
Not Applicable
Regulatory Fee:
Not Applicable
Steps to Certification
Applications are accepted from:
- Manufacturer of equipment or authorised institution.
- An individual user for a specific piece of equipment.
- Step 1
- Written applications from an individual or company to be sent to: Spectrum Management Authority 13 – 19 Harbour Street Kingston, Jamaica, W.I. Tel: 876 967 7948 Fax: 876 922 4093 Application forms are downloadable from our website at
- Step 2
- Provide the required technical information/documentation as well as the processing fee.
- Step 3
- SMA will acknowledge receipt of application within one working day.
- Step 4
- SMA will review application and request additional documentation if required.
- Step 5
- SMA will issue Type Approval Certificate with Type Approval ID number (if device satisfies our requirements.
Application Forms: